Category: General

Accountant while working

Major Incentives for Businesses to Outsource The CFO Role

The decision to outsource CFO (Chief Financial Officer) has to be carefully considered by local businesses.

If there is one element that brands love, it is the ability to control operations in-house.

That drive for control can have a detrimental impact on the company however, overlooking many of the benefits that comes with contracting a specialist from the outside.

Here we will outline what the major incentives are for enterprises that seize on this opportunity.


Immediate Upgrade For Intellectual Property

The Chief Financial Officer is a position that requires a great deal of consideration when hiring a permanent professional. The resume has to be gleaned over carefully as numerous rounds of interviews are carried out. Even when the candidate has been selected, it will take them weeks and months to feel accustomed to the surroundings and learn the ropes of the organisation. One of the major selling points to outsource CFO is bypassing much of that deliberation and process, cutting right to the chase to upgrade the intellectual property. Whilst it can take them a few days to get a feel for the operating model, they will work to specified tasks and avoid any office politics that slows the company down.


Objective and Dispassionate Analysis

A bubble effect can be created when individuals operate within the four walls of an organisation for an extensive period of time. This is not so much a criticism of professionals who are loyal to a company, but a byproduct of working within the confines of a single environment. By opting to outsource the CFO, a brand can obtain objective and dispassionate analysis from a party that has a wider view of the discipline. Suddenly all of the relationships and friction between various departments and characters is gone, bringing in a fresh face who can simply look at the facts and offer data that has no strings attached. That is an attractive proposition and a key selling point for local outlets.


Identifying Market and Industry Trends

That bubble effect for internal operators can extend further for businesses that don’t choose to outsource the CFO, failing to identify trends within the industry on a micro level and the market as a whole on a macro level. If there is new technology that can expedite key processes, different couriers that offer a cut down price, local wholesalers who can give the same product at a lower rate or tax incentives that have not been utilised, they are opportunities for the outsourced professional to seize upon.


Time Management and Planning Improvements

Hiring an internal Chief Financial Officer ensures that a member of staff is managing their own tasks on company time. The move to outsource the CFO improves two key facets – time management and planning. On the first count, the new face will be undertaking the bookkeeping duties diligently without using any resources from within the business itself. Then they can take a wider perspective of the organisation at large, mapping out a financial strategy that delivers a sustainable business model for the coming weeks, months and years. Many small to medium enterprises (SMEs) can fall victim to short-term thinking and live hand-to-mouth, but these experts can offer a blueprint for growth that forecasts well into the future.


Saving Money

A Chief Financial Officer in the current market can demand quite the salary, dictating anywhere from $200,000 to $500,000 plus depending on the business and the industry. A major incentive for many brands to outsource the CFO is cutting that figure down tenfold, instead opting for a short-term contract that can roll onwards if key performance indicators (KPIs) are met. From small projects that offer a diagnostic for a 3-month period or a long-term rolling contract that continues a professional relationship, the terms are entirely set by the client.


torn divorce paper and a woman

Why The Inclusion of a Divorce Lawyer in Sydney Can Swing a Case

When a spouse in Sydney is trying their best to negotiate a divorce, there is often little regard or awareness about the role of an attorney.

Amid the heartache that is experienced with a broken relationship, the last thing any ex partner wants to do is hire a solicitor.

By proxy they become a third party to proceedings, coming in between the couple to interject and interfere.

Yet this characterisation about a divorce lawyer in Sydney would be a misrepresentation.

Men and women who decide to accept terms on face value and leave the other spouse to seek a lawyer are doing themselves a major disservice.

Let’s see why their inclusion can be so valuable to the community.


Gathering Core Evidence

The central role that a divorce lawyer in Sydney will play for their client is gathering the core evidence to support their case. By accessing key documents including character references, police reports, employee records, credit history and more, it becomes easier to make the legal argument that a spouse is entitled to more rights and assets. Should a lawyer not be present, individuals will have to undertake their own research endeavours without the understanding of how they could be applied and what opportunities they actually present before a judge.


Forcing Opposing Counsel Onto Defence

As uncomfortable a situation as it can be, sometimes there is a need for a divorce lawyer in Sydney to stand their ground on behalf of their client and draw a line in the sand. Once evidence has been gathered, it can be used within a legal framework to push for child custody rights, to pass over debt or to ascertain a restraining order against a domestic violence abuser. Such maneuvers will ensure that the opposing counsel won’t be in control and they will fail to set the agenda, being forced to respond to specified actions instead.


Offering Concessions For Opposing Counsel

A divorce lawyer in Sydney can look to strike a balance between the carrot and stick approach, offering up key concessions to opposing counsel to showcase that they are indeed acting in good faith. This approach can take a variety of forms, from backing down on child custody to settling on the valuation of a house or accepting the acquisition of family debt to alleviate stress from their end. Solicitors who only take an aggressive and confrontational approach won’t be receiving any favours and this can complicate the proceeding.


Protecting Key Personal Assets

From home ownership and stakeholder investments to vehicles and other types of assets that are of monetary and sentimental value, a divorce lawyer in Sydney will be in a position to protect key personal resources. This will be a result of establishing what assets the client is actually entitled to, removing all ambiguity and confusion about the matter. Then they can acquire signed documents and papers that establishes what portion of a stake they have with certain resources.


Influencing a Judge’s Ruling


A spouse that attempts to take a legal case on their own accord won’t be equipped with the necessary legal skills to influence a judge’s ruling. This is where the involvement of a divorce lawyer in Sydney is paramount, using correct legal terminology and making the argument based on facts and sound reasoning. The judge is not in a position just to read off a document, but to hear an argument presented in a clear and coherent fashion before making a determination.



In the absence of a qualified and experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney, a spouse is left to negotiate complex and stressful legal procedures that they will struggle with. Some individuals will want to take a non-confrontational approach in order to ensure an expedited process from start to finish, but the threats to key family and financial assets have to be factored into that decision.
